Technical Section > Troubleshooting

Chiming alert

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On 3 occasions a chiming alert has sounded in my CX-5.  On the first it chimed 3 times, the second once, both times before the engine had reached operating temperature.  On the third the engine had reached operating temperature   No warning lights were illuminated on any occasion.  Has anyone experienced this or does anyone know what the chiming alert signifies. :-\

Guessing here, but could it be a warning for a seat belt not fastened? Something weighty on a seat can fool the sensor to make it think that a passenger is there.


Alan, thanks, could well be :)

Even a Chinese takeaway on the passenger seat will trip the annoying seat belt chime, it's incredibly sensitive, but I believe a seat belt warning light also flashes red at the same time..?

Can't think what it could be without a concurrent warning light..?


Cracked it!! :)  It is TomTom Live warning of speed cameras about....have now changed the alert noise so will know in future..... ;)


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