Technical Section > Troubleshooting

Mazda Assist


Just as a separate follow up to my earlier post...

Can I just say that the service experienced with Mazda Assist (on the two occasions I've had reason to phone them) has been really good. In each case, I've had an RAC engineer with me within a couple of hours. OK, each time, I've then had to follow up with a dealer visit. But that initial visit saves me having to book the car in and either hang around the dealer for half a day or get a colleague to pick me up and run me back, which is almost a 40 mile round trip.

Their number - 0800 051 2395 - is now in the favourites on my phone.


I too have experienced great service from Mazda Assist (RAC) when twice encountering a flat battery in the morning.  Both times the RAC man was with me within a short period of time and quickly got me started and on the road. 


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