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« Last Post by Gel on September 05, 2024, 11:27:10 am »

As ever be wary of products out of CHINA.

Believe we still have 3 manufacturing plants in UK.
Maintenance / Re: AdBlue reading stuck on 100%
« Last Post by bw10030 on August 21, 2024, 03:44:40 pm »
Well mine has been stuck on 100% for about a year, however the mileage has been decreasing. I filled the tank up at a Adblue pump and probably overfilled it - I got warnings for a couple of weeks afterwards! The mileage has now come down by 10000 miles (yes really! - ten thousand) and today it finally showed 95% full.

So it looks like if you overfill, it goes to something like 200% measured capacity (must be a long filler neck!) but it will decrease and start working again eventually.

I mentioned it at the dealers - Mazda are aware and will drain the tank (for a charge) to get it working again. Leave well alone if it costs is my advice!

My next plan is to wait until it shows about 50% and then put 5 litres in, then see what it goes to. That way I can be confident its working OK. If the mileage readout was to be believed, I had enough Adblue for 26000 miles when it was full!

It's poor design - either you should not be able to overfill, or if you do then after a short distance (say 500 mies) it should start to work again. This looks like there is an awful lot of the tank above the 100% full (according to the gauge) which you have to use before it starts to read again, which isn't a good plan!
Wheels & Tyres / Re: 19 inch wheels corroding
« Last Post by Cloughie on August 21, 2024, 01:15:18 pm »
Just 10 months old and sub 5500 miles.  Surface corrosion, particularly on the fronts.  Will be making a claim.

Modification Projects / Re: Fitting a dashcam in New CX-5
« Last Post by Cloughie on August 19, 2024, 05:14:45 pm »
Just looked into this as I had not heard of it before.  Seems you can now buy a RHD model.  Web site is priced in £. £195 will get the top model with front and rear cameras.

I would go for it but I have just fitted a Nextbase dual camera.

Models & Trims / Re: 2.0 L Petrol CX5 - any views?
« Last Post by rmvf on August 15, 2024, 07:57:56 pm »
Well its been over 2 years since last post, car has been faultless and outstanding, repeated the mpg test a few months ago on the motorway and cannot get over 44mpg. But still happy with that for a petrol. A workmate has just purchased the automatic version so i will ask him how he gets on with it.
Maintenance / Which Oil?
« Last Post by HarryK on July 30, 2024, 04:18:53 pm »
Which oil do I need for my CX 5, 2019, GT, 2.0L petrol engine please?
Wheels & Tyres / Michelin Cross Climate 2
« Last Post by HarryK on July 25, 2024, 10:47:10 am »
Thinking of changing my 20k Toyos for the MCC2's. Kwik fit currently have them at £203 each with a further 10% off if you buy 4.Anyone got experience of these tyres?
CX-5 / Stopped running on 3 cylinders
« Last Post by David on July 09, 2024, 01:29:33 pm »
Hi some time since last post, spent 12 months getting new injectors dismantle intake etc and carbon clean (and buying camera to check valves closed)
Since which has run fine for 6 months. However last week in for Service all I fine until finished standing ticking over suddenly stopped firing on cylinders 2,3, and 4 run's on1 for a while then dies. Will start on number 1 and run but will be obviously needed to be stopped.
Initial reaction it was use diagnostic which showed loads of Cannot Communicate errors So ECU failure we thought.
But when started again diagnostic machine shows no errors????? But still only number 1 runs
Many reasons why just one cylinder may fail but 3 at once, any ideas
Mechanic is going to pressure test cylinders before moving back to getting ECU off and sent for testing
Update No compression on the 3 dead cylinders
Vehicle Electrics / Airbag warning light code 2-1 and battery voltage
« Last Post by Portside on July 08, 2024, 10:59:28 am »
Hi everyone,

About two weeks ago the airbag warning light started flashing, two flashes follwed by a single flash.  I took it to an indepdent Mazda garage.  Their scan tool showed a high resistance in a component related to the front passenger seat occupancy-classification-system, but it was not clear which component.  A visual check was made under the seat for any loose connections or obvious damage, but nothing was found.  Garage said they would research the problem and get back to me, and I took the car home.  However the garage can't seem to find an easy answer and suggested bringing the car back for more inspection.

I did a bit of research myself and found a technical bulletin about the seat pad sensor triggering the airbag warning light on start up, under high current draw conditions such as starting in cold weather, due to the 'low voltage detection time being too short' - could this appear as a high resistance?  However, the airbag warning light issue didn't occur in cold weather.  Neverthless, this information prompted me to check the battery voltage.  After leaving the car overnight it measured 12.2v.

For context, the car works fine in all other respects, and starts with no issues.  It is 6 years old, and I believe the battery is original.  Due to our usage of the car, it makes loads and loads of short trips every week (averaging 6 miles per trip).  Also, in the last few months I found my partner adjusts the seats (electrically adjustable seats), while sitting in them, with the engine off, which can't be helping the battery.  My measurement of battery voltage was done with a multimeter, not a car specific tool, measured at the battery terminals with all accessories off, but immediately prior to making the measurement I had to unlock the car to open the bonnet.

Apologies if this is a slightly muddled post, but the questions I ask myself are:
- could the low battery voltage be causing the airbag light?
- even if the airbag light is not related the battery, should I change the battery anyway?
- what component needs replacing in the airbag system (front passsnger seat occupancy detector).

The car is a 2nd generation CX-5, petrol, SportNav+, ~60k miles on it. It is no longer covered by any warranties.

Grateful for any suggestions.
Modification Projects / Re: Fitting running boards
« Last Post by Gel on June 13, 2024, 02:58:51 pm »

Also a good independent wouldn't be so hidebound as the stealership!
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