Technical Section > Bodywork

Touch up paint

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Thought I'd share this. I bought a new CX5 last May and it is the popular soul red crystal.  Now have a few stone chips, nothing serious and thought I'd get some touch up from my dealer.
Last week they checked their stock and said they had none. So we'll get some for you they said.  Then they say - oh it's no longer available as Mazda have changed the paint from Crystal to metallic and it's different.
As it was only £4 odd I bought the new one thinking for a chip it won't be noticeable but it is!

I've also got a Crystal White MX5. Same thing. No longer available.
So I thought I'll get some on Ebay. None in stock etc etc.
Can't believe with all the Soul Red CX5 that have been sold  you can't get touch up from a dealer.
If anyone knows of a dealer with some stock please let me know.

It never was available for 46V.  I don’t believe you’ll find any. You might get a specialist to mix something close to it.

Try these...

I used one of these kits on my original CX5 when I had a scratch on the bonnet. The scratch was difficult to do well, but the chips I did were OK - the colour match was very good (that was a Zeal red one rather than soul crystal)


46V is available from Mazda.

P/n is 9000-77-7W24-6V.

Info courtesy from the German CX-5 forum.

Picture herewith.


--- Quote from: p38cyq on March 17, 2019, 03:26:50 pm ---46V is available from Mazda.

P/n is 9000-77-7W24-6V.

Info courtesy from the German CX-5 forum.

Picture herewith.

--- End quote ---

Good info.


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