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Steering/Suspension/Brakes / EPB release
« Last Post by Len on February 02, 2025, 09:23:08 am »
I have been struggling to get into service mode for EPB but eventually made up my own set of instructions which works perfectly. It might help others with similar issues. Details below.

Mazda cx5 EPB Release method (TLM)
   1.   Start engine. Foot on brake, release EPB. Stop engine
   2.   Turn ignition on.
   3.   Hold throttle to floor and press and hold EPB down (EPB light flashes)
   4.   Press stop/start 3 times.
   5.   You will hear motor noise. Release EPB and throttle.

   1.   Turn ignition on.
   2.   Press accelerator and hold EPB up
   3.   press stop/start three times.

CX-5 / Re: Proximity sensors
« Last Post by Nickg on November 04, 2024, 04:46:44 pm »
Just checked the site and saw your reply - thank you.
I'm in Dorset right on the Hampshire border.
I have bee having a play and lo and behold the parking sensors have returned to normal working.
Heaven only knows what was done and by whom but they work after baking into a telegraph poll and causing some damage.
Glad it was me and not my better half.
Thanks again

Steering/Suspension/Brakes / replace front lower arm ball joint and outer tie rod boot
« Last Post by kiakid2 on November 01, 2024, 05:54:06 pm »
Has anybody had to replace front lower arm ball joint and outer tie rod – because the boot have perisher and deteriorated. It’s quite upsetting to have to replace these on a 2017 car they should have lasted longer and at only 42k

Quoted £1500
CX-5 / Re: Proximity sensors
« Last Post by Gel on October 18, 2024, 11:36:43 am »
May help, though these sensors not detailed;

When you take respective fuse box cover off there is normally embossed
lettering giving individual fuse assignments.

To avoid the analysis charge from the stealer [£120 in my area:(],
consider using a mobile auto sparky. I can recommend one
that covers Thames Valley, but your profile gives no location for you.
CX-5 / Proximity sensors
« Last Post by Nickg on October 16, 2024, 01:28:22 pm »
Hi,  for some reason the parking sensors on my wife's CX5 have stopped working. The sensor activation button still seems to work in that its lamp goes on/off when it is pressed. The sensors no longer react to anything near the car.  However for some reason the reversing sensor does still operate correctly.

I don't even know which fuse to check so help and ideas please before I have to endure the dealers sucked teeth and financial thumping!!  :(

Thank you

Steering/Suspension/Brakes / Re: Electronic handbrake issue
« Last Post by rmvf on October 09, 2024, 01:26:03 pm »
How you get on with this issues,sorry for late reply not been on forum for years not months
« Last Post by Gel on September 05, 2024, 11:27:10 am »

As ever be wary of products out of CHINA.

Believe we still have 3 manufacturing plants in UK.
Maintenance / Re: AdBlue reading stuck on 100%
« Last Post by bw10030 on August 21, 2024, 03:44:40 pm »
Well mine has been stuck on 100% for about a year, however the mileage has been decreasing. I filled the tank up at a Adblue pump and probably overfilled it - I got warnings for a couple of weeks afterwards! The mileage has now come down by 10000 miles (yes really! - ten thousand) and today it finally showed 95% full.

So it looks like if you overfill, it goes to something like 200% measured capacity (must be a long filler neck!) but it will decrease and start working again eventually.

I mentioned it at the dealers - Mazda are aware and will drain the tank (for a charge) to get it working again. Leave well alone if it costs is my advice!

My next plan is to wait until it shows about 50% and then put 5 litres in, then see what it goes to. That way I can be confident its working OK. If the mileage readout was to be believed, I had enough Adblue for 26000 miles when it was full!

It's poor design - either you should not be able to overfill, or if you do then after a short distance (say 500 mies) it should start to work again. This looks like there is an awful lot of the tank above the 100% full (according to the gauge) which you have to use before it starts to read again, which isn't a good plan!
Wheels & Tyres / Re: 19 inch wheels corroding
« Last Post by Cloughie on August 21, 2024, 01:15:18 pm »
Just 10 months old and sub 5500 miles.  Surface corrosion, particularly on the fronts.  Will be making a claim.

Modification Projects / Re: Fitting a dashcam in New CX-5
« Last Post by Cloughie on August 19, 2024, 05:14:45 pm »
Just looked into this as I had not heard of it before.  Seems you can now buy a RHD model.  Web site is priced in £. £195 will get the top model with front and rear cameras.

I would go for it but I have just fitted a Nextbase dual camera.

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