Technical Section > Wheels & Tyres

Tyre puncture sealant


First of all sorry to put this if everybody is aware of it.

I was thinking of buying a spacesaver wheel but put off by the fact you can only use them on the rear and all the faff of packing out the carpet, so after some research i bought a punture repair kit for about £10 from Amazon.
If that fails then i will use the sealant as i have reliably been informed that if you take your car to a tyre specialist within 24 hours the sealant can be scraped out and provided its not a sidewall puncture can be repaired. But the within 24 hours is crucial so the sealant doesn't fully go off.

Depends on the tyre people, none of them round here will repair a tyre with gunk in.
All they want to do is sell you a new tyre.
Save the planet, not!

I wouldn't advise anyone to use the tyre sealant. A spave saver kit doesn't cost that much and it wouldn't be any hassle to me as I would leave it to the breakdown people to change unless the car was on the drive outside my house.

my space saver didn't need any packing out, bought the Mazda replacement foam with the new bolt for the sub-woofer, already had the jack and other tools needed from previous cx-5, all good. Tyre sealant is fine on a small puncture, but if you have a larger puncture won't work, if you have no emergency cover could prove expensive.


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