Technical Section > Steering/Suspension/Brakes

Clunk on hard lock

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I have an issue with my 65 plate AWD 2.2 D. I noticed it when I reverse into my drive on hard lock. I get a clunk noice as I start moving. It has been back to Mazda twice now. 1st time they greased it up and when I got home it clunked. 2nd time they said there was stones in suspension and needed tightening. They said road tested and its gone. But when got it home it did it again. Starting to annoy me now. Thought I would see if anyone else has had an issue.

I seem to recall reading in the Handbook that hard wheel locks left on for an 'X' period of time should be restricted due to ................. but I'll leave the thumbing through 733 pages of it to you if that's OK.  ;) ;)

Left isn't the problem. It's only when turn hard to the right

Something that I identified early on when turning onto driveway on full right lock. Right front track rod end replaced under warranty at 9,000 miles/12 months old. Now at 30,000 miles and OK.

From the book:
“Never hold the steering wheel to the extreme left or right for more than 5 seconds with the engine running. This could damage the power steering system”

My car on full right lock sounds like it hits a mechanical stop – I always thought this was unusual……….and thought it was something to do with the above statement in the book so I ease off the lock a.s.a.p.

When I get my car back from repair I will see if it happens on the left lock.


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