I have slow speed, so always takes 4 or 5 hours; 1st 2 attempts stalled, on day
I received update e mail, annoyingly at 83%.
Mazda's map contractors responded to my moan, saying that I needed to wait for the new
TOOLBOX to d/load; this should have been available before they issue the new map notification
e mail.
When I moaned to HERE about out of date content on new maps on my Qashqai, they said
the delay in issuing fresh content, was down to NISSAN having to validate content,
ie were always at least 12-18 months out of date.
Like poster above, I was puzzled that HERE's website mapping was very up to date,
(recall it's updated daily or weekly) yet newly issued HERE SD Maps didn't reflect this.
Always struck me as odd statement, as the car maker is not a mapping expert.